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周記源 Chi-Yuan Chou

Volume 518 Issue 7537, 5 February 2015

Structure and function of a novel single-chain, multi-domain long-chain acyl-CoA carboxylase


Biotin-dependent carboxylases are widely distributed in nature and have important functions in the metabolism of fatty acids, amino acids, carbohydrates, cholesterol and other compounds1,2,3,4,5,6. Defective mutations in several of these enzymes have been linked to serious metabolic diseases in humans, and acetyl-CoA carboxylase is a target for drug discovery in the treatment of diabetes, cancer and other diseases7,8,9. Here we report the identification and biochemical, structural and functional characterizations of a novel single-chain (120 kDa), multi-domain biotin-dependent carboxylase in bacteria. It has preference for long-chain acyl-CoA substrates, although it is also active towards short-chain and medium-chain acyl-CoAs, and we have named it long-chain acyl-CoA carboxylase. The holoenzyme is a homo-hexamer with molecular mass of 720 kDa. The 3.0 Å crystal structure of the long-chain acyl-CoA carboxylase holoenzyme from Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis revealed an architecture that is strikingly different from those of related biotin-dependent carboxylases10,11. In addition, the domains of each monomer have no direct contact with each other. They are instead extensively swapped in the holoenzyme, such that one cycle of catalysis involves the participation of four monomers. Functional studies in Pseudomonas aeruginosa suggest that the enzyme is involved in the utilization of selected carbon and nitrogen sources. 

陳摘文 Tsai-Wen Chen

Volume 519 Issue 7541, 5 March 2015

A motor cortex circuit for motor planning and movement


Activity in motor cortex predicts specific movements seconds before they occur, but how this preparatory activity relates to upcoming movements is obscure. We dissected the conversion of preparatory activity to movement within a structured motor cortex circuit. An anterior lateral region of the mouse cortex (a possible homologue of premotor cortex in primates) contains equal proportions of intermingled neurons predicting ipsi- or contralateral movements, yet unilateral inactivation of this cortical region during movement planning disrupts contralateral movements. Using cell-type-specific electrophysiology, cellular imaging and optogenetic perturbation, we show that layer 5 neurons projecting within the cortex have unbiased laterality. Activity with a contralateral population bias arises specifically in layer 5 neurons projecting to the brainstem, and only late during movement planning. These results reveal the transformation of distributed preparatory activity into movement commands within hierarchically organized cortical circuits. 

姜為中 Wei-Chung Chiang,

Volume 558 Issue 7708, 7 June 2018

Disruption of the beclin 1-BCL2 autophagy regulatory complex promotes longevity in mice


Autophagy increases the lifespan of model organisms; however, its role in promoting mammalian longevity is less well-established1,2. Here we report lifespan and healthspan extension in a mouse model with increased basal autophagy. To determine the effects of constitutively increased autophagy on mammalian health, we generated targeted mutant mice with a Phe121Ala mutation in beclin 1 (Becn1F121A/F121A) that decreases its interaction with the negative regulator BCL2. We demonstrate that the interaction between beclin 1 and BCL2 is disrupted in several tissues in Becn1F121A/F121A knock-in mice in association with higher levels of basal autophagic flux. Compared to wild-type littermates, the lifespan of both male and female knock-in mice is significantly increased. The healthspan of the knock-in mice also improves, as phenotypes such as age-related renal and cardiac pathological changes and spontaneous tumorigenesis are diminished. Moreover, mice deficient in the anti-ageing protein klotho3 have increased beclin 1 and BCL2 interaction and decreased autophagy. These phenotypes, along with premature lethality and infertility, are rescued by the beclin 1(F121A) mutation. Together, our data demonstrate that disruption of the beclin 1-BCL2 complex is an effective mechanism to increase autophagy, prevent premature ageing, improve healthspan and promote longevity in mammals. 

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